HC Deb 19 February 1920 vol 125 cc1058-9W

asked the Minister of Food if all Irish Hide Orders have been cancelled since 31st January, 1920; and whether there is any authority for the control of hides in Ireland to-day?


All Orders made by the Army Council with regard to Irish hides were cancelled on the 31st January, 1920, when the control of hides was transferred to the Ministry of Food. The Food Controller has since that date issued the Orders necessary for the continuance of control under the Ministry of Food.


asked the Minister of Food whether the Hides Control Order for Ireland, which has caused so much annoyance and loss to the unlicensed dealers and to farmers, can now be withdrawn?


The distribution of Irish hides is controlled by means of the British Hides (Sales) Order, 1920. This procedure is an essential part of the scheme for the control of live stock and cannot be discontinued so long as guaranteed prices for cattle remain in operation. I cannot agree that the maintenance of the Order causes hardship to Irish interests, since under its provisions the Irish vendor is now obtaining the world's parity value for his hides.

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