HC Deb 06 December 1920 vol 135 c1744W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the Committee, including Members of this House, of the Save the Children Fund, formed for the relief of starving children in Central Europe and elsewhere, are soliciting subscriptions by stating that for every pound subscribed the British Government will contribute a similar amount; whether such statement is correct; and, if so, out of what fund and by what authority such contribution is made?


As regards the first part of the question, I can find no such statement in the public advertisements recently issued by the Fund. The Save the Children Fund was a collecting body which contributed to the funds of various societies which received a pound for pound grant. Money so collected thus earned a grant in the hands of the societies into which it came, but no grant was made to the Save the Children Fund. The sum of £750,000 which was granted for contributions to relief societies in connection with the pound for pound scheme was exhausted last July, and no further grants are now being made.