HC Deb 22 April 1920 vol 128 cc595-6W

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that many soldiers who volunteered in 1914, 1915, and 1916 gave up their homes, which were at once occupied by munition and other exempted workers; that the soldiers are still homeless and cannot find houses to rent; and whether he will consider making advances to ex-soldiers to enable them to purchase houses similar in accommodation to those they gave up to go on service, taking the title in the Government's name and holding the same for the soldiers' behoof and, on resale, dividing the selling price in proportion to the money advanced by the State and the soldier, respectively?


Local authorities are already empowered to make advances by way of a loan to persons desiring to purchase houses for their own occupation, or, in the case of houses provided by the local authority, to accept payment of the purchase price by instalments spread over a term of years. I may also refer the hon. Member to the recommendation made by the Committee on the Rent Restriction Acts, with regard to the case of owners of houses who gave up occupation in consequence of their joining the Forces during the War.


asked the Minister of Health whether he will draw the attention of local authorities to the desirability of offering new houses in the first instance to discharged soldiers and sailors, and especially to those discharged soldiers and sailors who may be suffering from some disability consequent on their service?


I have already recommended local authorities to bear in mind the special claims of ex-service men in selecting the tenants for their houses.