§ Major PRESCOTTasked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Pioneer Bernard Walter Blake, No. 212029, Royal Engineers, now stationed at Apple Pie Camp, Longmoor, Hants, was recently included in a draft detailed for service in Egypt; whether he is aware that this soldier is a Derby man and in a low medical category; whether it is regular to detail Derby men for service in Egypt having regard to the War Office Memorandum of the 16th July, 1919, that Derby men are not to be sent further from home than the Army of the Rhine; whether he is aware that Pioneer Blake has been remanded for trial by court-martial for overstaying his draft leave; and if lie will take action to have the case disposed of summarily by his Commanding Officer in view of the War Office Memorandum referred to?
§ Mr. CHURCHILLPrivate Blake was erroneously included in a draft for service in Egypt, but has now been removed therefrom. He has been remanded for trial by court-martial for overstaying his leave by a period exceeding twenty-one days. Such cases of absence arc normally dealt with by courts-martial and not summarily by Commanding Officers.