HC Deb 22 October 1919 vol 120 c44W

asked the Minister of Health whether at Lincoln the corporation have a scheme for the erection of working-class houses and a utility society have a scheme for the erection of similar houses; whether it is a fact that the utility society is subsidised to the extent of 30 per cent. of the total cost of its houses out of the taxpayers' money; whether there is a strike of builders' men at Lincoln now proceeding; whether the utility society have agreed to pay the increased wages demanded though the corporation, in obedience to his orders, have refused to pay them, with the result that the utility society's scheme is proceeding but the corporation's scheme is stopped; and will he explain what steps were taken to prevent this utility society from exploiting the taxpayer?


I am in communication with my right lion. Friend the Minister of Labour regarding the wages dispute which has arisen at Lincoln.

Written Replies to Questions were furnished at this day's Sitting as follows