HC Deb 29 May 1919 vol 116 cc1460-1W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that Mrs. Scott, 2, Sharp Street, Govan, has had her out-of-work donation stopped after thirteen weeks on the alleged ground that her schedule was incorrectly filled in; that this woman worked for the last three years on munitions. and is now unable to find work suitable to her age; and whether he will take steps to have this grievance rectified?


Inquiries are being made into the matter, and I will communicate the result to the hon. Member.


asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that Isabella Wyllie, who worked at Buchanan's, jam and confectionery manufacturers. Stewart Street, Glasgow, was dismissed by her foreman; that, on claiming out-of-work pay, her claim was refused on the ground that she had left work of her own accord; whether this young girl is left entirely without resources on the mere affirmation of her firm; if he will state whether it is the general policy of the Ministry to hold up donation benefit on the statements of employers; and whether he is prepared to institute a penalty upon those firms whose statement is not upheld by a Court of Referees?


I am inquiring into the facts of this case and will communicate the result to the hon. Member. Mean while, I may say, that an appplicant for donation must beprimâ facie eligible for donation before any payment is made, and that in cases of doubt (by reference to the statement of the applicant's late employer or otherwise) the claim is first referred to a Court of Referees. The applicant is always given an opportunity of stating his or her case before the Court in person. As at present advised, I am not prepared to adopt the suggestion made in the last part of the question, but I shall be glad to consider any case in which the hon. Member considers that the statement of a late employer has led the Court to give a wrong decision.


asked the Minister of Labour whether he has received any complaint' regarding the treatment of a girl named Bridget M'Connell, who applied for out-of-work donation to the Lanarkshire Court of Referees, held in Hamilton on Friday, 16th May; whether her late employers, the Clydesdale Laundry Company, Hamilton, in reply to the usual request for information as to the cause of her being dismissed, replied that she was dismissed for inattention to her work and disturbance to other workers, and that if this worker got payment of the donation it would, in their opinion, cause a precedent, as others might find it convenient to pick a quarrel and be thrown on the unemployment list; whether he is aware that an objection was lodged against the form in which this opinion of the employers was submitted by a member of the Court, whose objection was overruled and the opinion of the employers upheld by the chairman; and what action he proposes to take in the circumstances?


I am making inquiries into the facts of this case, and I will inform the hon. Member of the result in due course.