HC Deb 27 May 1919 vol 116 cc1051-2W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions whether complaints have been received from allotment-holders in regard to the quality of surplus Army boots supplied to them; whether, in particular, the Summerstown Allotment Society, Wimbledon, were informed that grade I Army boots, in lots of twenty-five pairs, could be supplied at 8s. 6d. per pair plus packing charges; that a consignment was sent to the allotment society and the boots were not in accordance with the description, and the plotholders were not prepared to accept them, the consignment being marked grade 3 whereas grade 1 were ordered, and the reason advanced being that the consignment was marked grade 3 to prevent thefts in transit; and what action ho proposed to take?


With the object of enabling working men to buy discarded Army boots at reasonable prices very large quantities of such boots, Grade L, have been supplied to allotment-holders through their societies. The number of complaints received is very small in proportion to the sales. In the case mentioned by my hon. Friend the complaint has been investigated, and negotiations are in progress for the exchange of boots which are not found suitable. It should be pointed out that the discarded Army boots of all grades arc used boots, and it is impossible to secure that all boots of the same grade shall be identical in quality.