HC Deb 13 May 1919 vol 115 cc1468-9W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether Samuel Taylor, late 407698, Armourer, C Squadron, Royal Flying Corps, A.M. School, Uxbridge, was discharged on 6th February; whether he has received neither back pay or gratuity; and if so, will he cause inquiry to be made and a settlement expedited?

Major-General SEELY

This man accepted the deferred settlement scheme whereby he received at the time of his dispersal twenty-eight days' pay and ration allowances, £2 12s. 6d. plain clothes allowance, and an advance of £2 on account of his gratuity, pending the final settlement of his account within a period of four months from the date of his leaving his unit. The balance due on the final settlement of his account is now being paid.