§ Mr. STURROCKasked the Postmaster-General whether a plan is in contemplation, or execution, under which the office of Secretary to the Post Office in Edinburgh is to be deprived of some of its principal functions; and, if so, whether he can state the reasons which led to such a decision?
§ Mr. HARRY HOPEasked the Postmaster-General whether any change has been, or is being, made in the status or duties of the Secretary of the Post Office in Edinburgh; and, if so, whether the effect will be that the postal, telegraph, and telephone services of Scotland will be placed more under London control than previously?
§ Mr. ILLINGWORTHCertain changes in the organisation of the Post Office service in Scotland are to be carried out shortly. These, however, will in no way380W curtail the powers of the Secretary in Edinburgh, whose status will be entirely unimpaired.