HC Deb 31 March 1919 vol 114 c908W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that Mordecai Goldberg, who has been in prison or detention ever since February, 1917, and is now in Wandsworth Prison, at the beginning of a further sentence of two years' hard labour, was certified recently by his medical advisers as suffering from neurasthenia, defective eyesight, insomnia, and tyechardia, and to be in a thoroughly weak physical and nervous condition with a too rapid pulse and feeble heart-beat; and whether he will inquire into the desirability of this man's release on health grounds?


Except for a slightly accelerated action of the heart, the medical officer of Wandsworth Prison can find no evidence of any of the infirmities alleged. During a former term of imprisonment Goldberg made numerous complaints to the medical officer of another prison which were found to be groundless.