HC Deb 10 March 1919 vol 113 cc923-4W

asked the Secretary of State for War how many men have been demobilised since 11th November, 1918; how many of this number enlisted in 1914, in 1915, in 1916, in 1917, and in 1918; and what proportion of the total are A1 category?

Captain GUEST

The total number of officers and men who have been dispersed up to twelve noon of the 9th instant is 44,653 officers and 1,756,387 other ranks, Of these 38,812 officers have been transferred to the unemployed list, and 1,484,974 other ranks have been, or will, on the completion of twenty-eight days'furlough, be transferred to the Reserve; 5,775 officers have been gazetted out of the Service, and 233,600 other ranks have been discharged. Included in the grand total are 66 officers and 37,813 other ranks, who, after having passed through dispersal stations, have proceeded on leave, and will be included in the after-war Army. I regret that the further information asked for by my hon. Friend is not available.