§ Captain MOREINGasked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that officers and men who are serving in an Eastern theatre of war and whose homes are in the East are brought to this country to be demobilised and repatriated, and that pending repatriation they have to live in this country at their own expense; and whether, in view of the expense caused to the taxpayers and the men, other orders will be issued to cover these cases?
§ Mr. CHURCHILLI am informed that officers and soldiers serving in an Eastern theatre of war, and whose homes are in the East are not brought to the United Kingdom to be demobilised unless they so desire. They are allowed to elect for an immediate or deferred passage. If electing an immediate passage they are dealt with as follows:
- (i.) Demobilised locally,
- (ii.) Sent to the Repatriation Camp, Egypt, or
- (iii.) Sent direct to their homes from the theatre of war, if more expeditious than proceeding to the repatriation camp, Egypt.
In such cases they continue to draw pay and allowances until they embark and, in addition, in the case of officers until the expiration of the standardised voyage period, and in the case of soldiers until the expiration of the standardised voyage period and twenty-eight days demobilisation furlough. If they elect a deferred passage they are entitled to come to the United Kingdom to be demobilised, and retain the right to claim repatriation within six months of being demobilised. In the event of their electing a deferred passage and returning to the United Kingdom before being repatriated they cease to draw pay and allowances in the case 51W of officers from the date of dispersal in the United Kingdom, and in the case of soldiers from the expiration of twenty-eight days after dispersal in the United Kingdom.