HC Deb 30 June 1919 vol 117 c643W
Major GLYN

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what are the minimum, and possible maximum, rates of pension at present authorised to the following officers of the Regular Army after the various periods of total service mentioned: Lieutenant, including quartermasters and riding-masters, of 10 years' service; captain of 12, 15, and 20 years' service; major of 13, 16, and 22 years' service; lieutenant-colonel of 16, 25, and 28 years' service; colonel of 25 and 30 years' service?


Quartermasters and riding-masters cannot get retired pay except for disability until they have twenty years' service. The rate then depends on the division of their service into time before and after commission. Maximum, £250. Combatant lieutenants, captains, and majors' rates are (subject to vested rights): £80 after 15 years' service; £85 after 16 years' service; £125 after 20 years' service; £160 after 22 years' service. The rates for lieutenant-colonels depend on service in the ranks; for colonels, on age. I must refer my hon. Friend to the Pay Warrant for further details.