HC Deb 06 June 1919 vol 116 c2427W

asked the Secretary of State for War the result of his inquiry into the court-martial of Private C. M'Donnell, No. 1048273, 3rd Canadian Machine Gun Corps?


Private M'Donnell was tried by Field' General Court-martial on the 21st January on charges of

  1. (1)Endeavouring to persuade members of His Majesty's Forces to join in a mutiny.
  2. (2)Joining in a mutiny.
He was sentenced to five years' penal servitude and committed to the No. 7 Military Prison. He was again tried by Field General Court-martial on the 24th March for joining in a mutiny at No. 7 Military Prison and was sentenced to death. This sentence was commuted to penal servitude for life, and Private M'Donnell has now been transferred to England, and is at present in Portland Prison undergoing sentence.