HC Deb 05 June 1919 vol 116 c2244W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that men who joined the Army under the Derby scheme in the early months of 1916 are being put on drafts for service in India, some of whom are repatriated prisoners of war; and whether he is aware that it is generally understood that these men were to be demobilised at an early date; and whether he will give instructions for these men to be withdrawn from the said drafts?


As Regulations stand at present these men are not eligible for demobilisation. It is my intention, as foreshadowed in my speech in the House on the 29th May, to make further classes eligible for release as and when the military situation admits. In the meantime, such men as are likely to be included in the earlier of the new classes for release will not be sent to India.