HC Deb 28 July 1919 vol 118 c1831W
Viscount WOLMER

asked the Minister for Labour whether he is aware that Mr. Claude Constant, of Sydney Villa, St. George's Road, Aldershot, who was demobilised on 8th April, applied on 23rd April at the Appointments Department, Horrex Hotel, Norfolk Street, for a training grant with the view of taking a course of instruction in tailoring; that he heard nothing for a month and called again and was requested to fill in his papers a second time; that he did so on 29th May; that he has heard nothing since then; and that his gratuity has now been nearly ex pended; and whether he will state who the official is who is responsible for this treatment of discharged soldiers?


I much regret the delay which has occurred in this case. I am investigating the causes of the delay, and I hope that, in so far as it may be due to pressure of work among the (higher) officials of Horrex's Hotel, the extra staff which has recently been sanctioned may have the effect of preventing a repetition of such delay. I understand that Mr. Constant is to appear before the Inter viewing Board to-day. His case will then be considered on its merits in the light of the board's recommendation, but I am bound to say that tailoring is notprima facie an occupation for which the grants administered by the Appointments Department are available, and I cannot give any undertaking that this particular grant will be allowed.