§ Sir C. KINLOCH-COOKEasked the Food Controller whether he will consider the possibility of giving at least one month's notice when fixing the date on 1589W which the control will be released from tea, so that stocks may be more easily disposed of; and will he say, seeing that the Government have urged grocers and allied traders to carry large stocks, if it is proposed to make any arrangements as to givinga rebate on unsold stock?
§ Mr. CHARLES EDWARDSasked the Food Controller whether, when suspending the Order governing the price and distribution of tea, he will make the Order at least four weeks before the date at which it is to take effect, so as to prevent serious loss to the traders?
§ Major ENTWISTLEasked the Food Controller whether, on the suspension of the tea control, which will mean reintroduction of varying grades and considerable reduction in prices, it is proposed, in order to avoid serious hardship to the grocer, that a date be fixed at least one month in advance, on which date all stocks held and properly certified should be subject to rebate equivalent to the new price?
Mr. ROBERTSIt was announced in the Press on 21st February that the suspension of the Orders governing the distribution and price of tea would come into operation on 24th March next, and the trades have, therefore, received more than the month's notice suggested. In view of this notice it is not proposed to make any arrangementsfor giving a rebate to grocers or allied traders in respect of stocks of tea which they may be holding on 24th March; and in any event it does not follow that any loss would be incurred by them on the sale of such stocks after that date.