HC Deb 13 February 1919 vol 112 c308W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that a considerable number of young men who joined His Majesty's Forces before the completion of their apprenticeship now find themselves in a very difficult position, as they must either complete the term of their apprenticeship or join the ranks of unskilled workers; and will he arrange with the trade unions to make an exception in favour of those apprentices who had served two years before joining the Colours by having them classed as journeymen without serving the balance of their time, which would necessitate their taking youths' wages instead of a man's pay?


A scheme has been approved by a Committee of the Cabinet for rendering State assistance to apprentices whose apprenticeship has been interrupted by service in His Majesty's Forces. This scheme provides—

  1. (1) That the period of the unexpired apprenticeship shall be reduced;
  2. (2) That during the reduced period of apprenticeship the State shall contribute to the wages of the apprentice one-sixth of the standard rate of wage payable to a journeyman, and that the employer shall make a certain addition to the ordinary apprentice wage—the apprentice thus receiving three-fourths of the journeyman's wage in the first year and five-sixths in the second.
Negotiations are now being carried on with national joint industrial councils and other committees representative of the various trades with the object of securing an agreement on these lines.