HC Deb 17 December 1919 vol 123 c448W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the expenses incurred by local authorities in Scotland in connection with coal control, which began in the end of September, 1918, have not yet been adjusted for the six mouths ending 31st March, 1919; whether he is aware that no payment of expenses subsequent to 31st March, 1919, has yet been made; and what is the explanation of the delay?


The payment in respect of expenses incurred by local authorities in Scotland in connection with the administration of the Household Fuel and Lighting (Scotland) Order, 1918, for the period ended 31st March, 1919, were made in accordance with a provisional scale of Grants. This scale has been under revision, having regard to the actual expenses incurred in the first six months, and the decision of the Treasury as to the adjustments which will be made will be communicated to local authorities during the present week. The necessary payments will be made as soon as. possible.