HC Deb 01 December 1919 vol 122 cc60-1W

asked the Minister of Health whether he obtained the advice of outside experts or consulted the responsible leaders of the employers' and workmen's organisations in the building trade regarding the granting of a subsidy for the erection of houses and as to the amount; and what effective steps he is taking to provide against such subsidies being used as a basis for financial gambling or of falling into the hands of people not connected with the building trade?


Yes, Sir. The payment of the subsidy will be carefully safeguarded so as to prevent abuses.


asked the Minister of Health whether, in view of the fact that Regulations may nullify the effect of the £150 housing subsidy, he will issue the Regulations governing the payments of the £150 subsidy at the same time that he introduces the new Housing Bill itself?


I will arrange that a draft of the conditions proposed to be attached to the subsidy shall be available by the time the Bill reaches the Committee stage.

Colonel NEWMAN

asked the Minister of Health whether in localities where land Las been laid out and fully developed for the erection of houses suitable for the middle-class section of the population a builder, who is prepared to at once proceed with the erection of the type of house for which this land has been developed, will be eligible for the bonus proposed to be given to builders engaged in the erection of houses for the working classes?


The Housing Acts authorise the provision of houses for the working classes only, and the proposed subsidy will be payable only in respect of such houses. The term working classes, however, should, as I have frequently stated, receive a liberal interpretation, and I propose to bear this in mind in framing the Regulations governing the grant of the subsidy.

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