HC Deb 18 August 1919 vol 119 cc1930-3W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland what were the average salaries for Irish primary, technical, and intermediate teachers for 1914 and 1918; and what amounts of war bonuses these teachers have received?


The average rates of income from State sources of each grade of Irish National school teachers (men and women) on 31st March of the years 1914 and 1918, respectively, were as follow:

(The 1918 figures do not include the war bonus.)
Grade. Men. Women.
1914. 1918. 1914. 1918.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
I1 192 1 10 228 7 5 158 6 9 198 5 3
I2 149 14 0 174 9 1 125 19 2 150 6 4
II 120 3 5 139 7 9 102 7 8 116 11 1
III 84 4 8 100 2 1 69 10 7 81 14 6

War bonus has been paid to the teachers of National schools in Ireland as follows:

  1. 1. For the period from 1st July, 1916, to 30th November, 1917:
    1. (a) Teachers whose salaries did not exceed 40s. per week—war bonus, 4s. per week.
    2. (b)Teachers with salaries exceeding 40s. per week, but not exceeding 60s.—war bonus, 3s. per week.
    3. (c)Junior assistant mistresses under eighteen years of age and work mistresses—war bonus, 2s. per week.
    4. (d) Conductors of Convent and Monastery National schools paid on the capitation system—war bonus, 5s. per annum for each unit of average attendance.
  2. 2. For the period from 1st December, 1917, to 30th June, 1918:
    1. (a)For men and women teachers recognised in third grade—war bonus, 8s. per week.
    2. (b)For men and women teachers recognised in second grade and in second division of first grade—war bonus, Gs. per week.
    3. (c)Rates sanctioned from 1st July, 1916, continued to certain teachers recognised in the first division of first grade, to junior assistant mistresses, to industrial teachers, to work mistresses, and to the conductors of Convent and Monastery schools paid on the capitation system.
  3. 3. For the period from 1st July, 1918, to 31st December, 1918:
    1. (a)For all graded men and women teachers, junior assistant mistresses, and industrial teachers, war bonus at the rate of £32 10s. per annum for a man and £26 per annum for a woman.
    2. (b)For the conductors of Convent and Monastery National schools paid on the capitation system, war bonus at the rate of £32 106. per annum for men and £26 per annum for women in respect of each teacher whose service is warranted under the Board's rules.
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    4. (c) Work mistresses, war bonus at the rate of £13 per annum.
  4. 4. For the period 1st January, 1919, to 31st March, 1919:
    1. (a) For all graded men and women teachers, junior assistant mistresses and industrial teachers, war bonus at the rate of £44 10s. a year for a man and £38 for a woman
    2. (b) For the conductors of Convent and Monastery National schools paid on the capitation system, a war bonus of £44 10s. per annum for men and £38 for women in respect of each teacher whose service is warranted by the Board's rules.
    3. (c) Work mistresses, war bonus at the rate of £19 per annum.

The current rates of war bonus in operation since 1st April, 1919, are as follows:

  • £60 per annum for men teachers.
  • £50 per annum for women teachers.

(Including those recognised on the teaching staff of Convent and Monastery schools paid on the capitation system.)

  • £44 per annum for junior assistant mistresses and industrial teachers.
  • £22 per annum for work mistresses.

The salaries of technical teachers under the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction in 1914 ranged from£120 to £200 per annum for male teachers and from 80 to £120 per annum for female teachers, with higher salaries for heads of departments and principals of schools.

In 1918, these scales were supplemented by war bonus at Civil Service rates as granted up to the 1st November, 1918.

These rates ranged from a war bonus of 23s. a week in cases of remuneration not exceeding 60s. a week to 10 per cent. of salary plus £25 per annum, as awarded by the Conciliation and Arbitration Board in November, 1918. The question of the rate of war bonus for these teachers as from 1st April, 1919, has not yet been determined, and the Department have asked the Treasury that the present Civil Service rates should be extended to them.

The Board of Intermediate Education have no information with regard to the salaries paid to teachers in intermediate schools in 1914.

The average salary paid to teachers in intermediate schools in Ireland during the school year 1917–18 was, for men £154, for women £90.

The Board have no means of ascertaining, except by inquiries from the manager of each individual intermediate school, the average war bonus granted to teachers.