HC Deb 12 November 1918 vol 110 cc2542-3W

asked the Minister of National Service whether the recent additional war bonus awarded to established and unestablished Civil servants is to be extended to discharged soldiers and civilians not eligible for military service at present employed in the various sections of the Ministry of National Service; whether any war bonus has been given to men temporarily employed in his Department; whether the Committee appointed to inquire into the work of Government offices has power to recommend increases of salary, where necessary, in the case of individuals doing highly responsible work; and whether, in view of the conditions which equally affect temporary workers and established Civil servants, he will consider the possibility of including temporary workers in the recent Civil Service award?


The recent war bonus granted to the Civil Service has been extended to temporary employés who are paid at rates of remuneration fixed before the War, but it is not applicable to those whose wages have been fixed during the War with reference to war conditions. The staff of the Ministry of National Service are not entitled to the bonus as their rates of remuneration have been fixed during the past year; but in the case of the clerical staffs adjustments have been made to meet the alterations in conditions since these rates were fixed. The Committee on Staffs are empowered by their terms of reference to inquire into the rates of remuneration of the staffs of temporary Departments and to report what measures should, in their opinion, be taken to effect economies in numbers and cost and to prevent overlapping.