HC Deb 04 November 1918 vol 110 c1809W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that dissatisfaction exists among the soldiers in Mesopotamia at the fact that many of them have not had any leave for two and three years while the officers are readily given leave to India; is he aware that instances exist where private soldiers who could not get any leave in such rank immediately are granted a month's leave in India on obtaining a commission; and will he take any steps to bring about greater equality of treatment in this respect?


As I have frequently explained, leave from Mesopotamia has been limited owing to the difficulties of transport, but a proportion of all ranks have been given leave as opportunity arose. Owing to the somewhat increased facilities, it has been possible recently to increase the numbers granted leave, and I would refer to my reply on 17th October to my Noble Friend the Member for Nottingham (South). A proportion of all ranks have also been given leave to India as transport opportunities allowed of this being done. I have no information as to preferential treatment being accorded to soldiers who obtain commissions.