HC Deb 21 March 1918 vol 104 cc1185-6W
Captain WRIGHT asked

the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, with a view to rapidly increasing the manufacture of margarine and its by product, feeding-cake for live stock, all possible steps by way of provision of buildings, plant, etc., and importation of the palm-nut kernels and other oil seed are now being taken?


Yes, Sir; we are lifting from the West African Colonies practically every seed, nut, and kernel for which freight space is available. Of the resultant refined oil, the largest proportion is allocated to margarine manufacturers, and the average weekly output of margarine has risen from 1,500 tons in 1913 and 1914 to 5,038 tons in February, 1918. Every effort has been made to increase the available plant, and to the greatest possible extent edible oils have been withdrawn from all industrial uses.

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