HC Deb 20 March 1918 vol 104 c1006W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that in Hereford and district tenants of small holdings are being given notice to quit on the expiration of the leases; and whether he will favourably consider an amendment of the law to prevent these evictions unless good cause is shown?


If my right hon. Friend will furnish particulars of the case to which he refers, I will have immediate inquiries made with a view to considering whether there is sufficient evidence to justify an amendment of the law.


asked the Postmaster General if he is aware that a number of the members of the Post Office staff who joined the Army in the early days of the War were promised full civil pay plus Army pay and allowances for their wives and children, and that when the allowances were increased owing to the increased cost of living these men's civil pay was reduced by the amount of the increased allowance their families received; and whether it is with his sanction that this reduction in their civil pay is made?


The answer is in the affirmative. The men in question enjoy special privileges in respect of pay. I did not consider that I should be justified in allowing their position to be still further improved. The amount of the increased allowance is, therefore, deducted from their civil pay, leaving the total emoluments the same as before.

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