HC Deb 10 July 1918 vol 108 cc326-7W
Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that time-expired discharged soldiers, with the necessary qualifications, who join the Navy or Royal Marines on being recalled to the Colours under the Military Service Act are denied the war bounty granted under Army Order No. 209, of 1916, to men who rejoin the Army under similar circumstances; and whether he will consider the issue of a Regulation placing the Navy on the same footing as the Army in respect to the war bounties?


The answer to the first part of the question is "Yes." As regards the second, we have not found it necessary to offer the bounty indicated in order to maintain the requirements of the naval service. Neither do we think, in view of the difference in the conditions of service, pay, and so on, of the two forces, that it can be admitted that particular payments in one must necessarily have their counterpart in the other.

Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office to whom children's allowances are paid when an officer is reported missing?


The allowances are credited to an officer's account in the same way as his pay. The actual disposal depends upon the instructions left by the officer with his agents.

Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he will consider the cases of National Reservists who were not able to sign, through no fault of their own, the obligation card for service overseas before 11th August, 1914, and have consequently been denied the £10 bounty, even though they offered their services at the first possible opportunity when the War broke out, and have actually served overseas?


The National Reserve gratuity was issuable on enlistment in respect of the fulfilment of the obligation undertaken by National Reservists (Class I. and II.) during peace. It was exceptionally extended to cover the cases of men who signed the obligation before 11th August, 1914, but I fear we cannot at this date reverse the instructions issued on 10th August, 1914, that men signing after that date would not be eligible for the gratuity.