HC Deb 31 January 1918 vol 101 c1771W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he will lay upon the Table the circular letter which has been addressed to the local and appeal tribunals under the Military-Service Act in reference to cases of conscientious objectors who might have received complete exemption had the tribunals considered they were lawfully entitled to grant such exemption; whether any cases have been reported on as the result of this circular; and whether procedure has been or is to be adopted in such cases?


I do not think that it is necessary to lay the circular letter on the Table, but I am sending the hon. Member a copy. Replies have already been received from a majority of the tribunals, but no cases have yet been reported in which absolute exemption was not granted because the tribunal were not aware of their full powers. In a few eases, where there is some doubt, I am in communication with the tribunal to make quite sure of the matter. If any case is reported, particulars will be communicated to the Army Council.