§ Commander BELLAIRSasked the Prime Minister when the Government will be in s position to issue a statement as to the responsibility for the Halifax disaster, having special regard to the dangerous inflammable cargo carried with the high explosives in the munitions ship; the admission of such a ship for a number of days to a crowded portion of the port; the precautionary rules as to the movements of other ships when a ship with dangerous explosives as cargo is under way in the channel; the instructions given to such ships as to flooding arrangements in the 992W event of fire; and finally as to the manning of neutral ships which have access to our ports and whose crews are brought into indirect contact with the enemy through the work of relief in territories conquered by the Germans?
§ Mr. HEWINSIt is not possible to make any statement on the subject pending the receipt of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry appointed by the Canadian Government.