HC Deb 21 January 1918 vol 101 c691W

asked the hon. Member for Sheffield (Central Division) whether any and, if so, how many British prisoners of war are interned in Bulgaria; in what part of the country they now are; whether parcels or money are sent to them and have been acknowledged; have any attempts at exchange been made; and with what result?


The total number of British combatant prisoners of war interned in Bulgaria is about 650; the majority of these men are at Philippopolis. Both parcels and money are sent to the prisoners, though the former arrive somewhat irregularly. A certain number of acknowledgments are received. On this point my hon. Friend, who is a member of the Central Prisoners of War Committee, is doubtless already informed. An agreement is in force with the Bulgarian Government for the exchange of British and Bulgarian incapacitated prisoners, but only thirty-two British have so far been repatriated under this agreement. Proposals with a view to a wider exchange are now being put forward.