HC Deb 21 January 1918 vol 101 cc679-80W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the present fixed allowances for travelling and subsistence paid to officers of Customs and Excise in rural areas are based on actual expenses incurred and repaid in a period before the War; and, if so, whether, in view of the fact that the cost of hiring, motoring, and subsistence has substantially increased since the outbreak of war, these fixed allowances should be correspondingly and retrospectively increased?

Week ending. Number of Tractors in commission in hands of County Committees. Number of acres ploughed. Average number of acres ploughed per Tractor.* Percentage of working hours idle on account of weather.
8th December 1,708 12,609 7.38 11.13
15th December 1,721 12,417 7.22 13.36
22nd December 1,718 5,020 2.92 52.71
29th December 1,733 2,090 1.21 67.33
5th January 1,760 8,303 4.72 30.72
12th January 1,813 5,187 2.86 52.85
* As the average acreage ploughed per tractor varies from week to week directly in accordance with the weather conditions, a column has been added to the statement showing the percentage of total hours during which the tractors which would otherwise have been at work were idle on account of weather. The above average figures are based upon the whole of the tractors in commission, including those standing idle through. bad weather, repairs, or travelling from farm to farm. Tractors are also occasionally employed on threshing and hauling, If the averages were based on the tractors actually ploughing, they would be much higher.


The allowances referred to are based on the mileage estimated to be necessary during a year for the performance of the work and the cost of travelling by the various means available in and suitable for each area, together with subsistence allowances for prolonged absences. Extra expenditure on railway fares since the 1st January, 1917, is repaid to officers. I am not satisfied that there is any case for a general revision of the allowances, but the Board of Customs and Excise are prepared to consider any individual case in which it can be shown that the present allowance is inadequate.