HC Deb 21 February 1918 vol 103 cc951-2W

asked the President to the Board of Trade whether he can grant some relaxation of the Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction, Order, 1918, in favour of owners of hire cars who converted them for the use of gas before the making of the Order, and especially during the summer months, when the consumption of gas is reduced?


Gas permits will be issued under the provisions of Clause (11) of the Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918, in respect of all hire ears fitted with gas apparatus prior to the date of the Order. Hire cars driven by means of gas are subject to exactly the same restrictions as regards purposes of use as have been in force for the last nine months for hire cars driven by means of petrol. The purposes for which a hire car may be used are set out in paragraph 3D (I) of the same Order, and they appear to cover all reasonable requirements. I regret that no further relaxation of the Order in favour of this class of vehicle can be granted.