HC Deb 08 August 1918 vol 109 c1563W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food if he is aware that there is an Order prohibiting the slaughter of a two-year-old bullock of, say, 5 cwt. without a permit, whilst no permit is required for the slaughter of a three-year-old bullock even of a much lesser weight; and if he will consider the advisability of altering the Order so that bullocks of a certain weight may be slaughtered irrespective of their age or teeth?


The Irish Department of Agriculture consider it desirable in the national interest to prevent the slaughter of immature live stock. They have, therefore, prohibited the slaughter in Ireland of male cattle which have not at least two permanent incisive teeth fully up. In approved cases, where a bull or bullock is economically fit for slaughter, applications for licences will be favourably considered, although the age of dentition has not been reached. But it would be impracticable to carry into effect a general prohibition with regard to animals of a certain weight.

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