HC Deb 07 August 1918 vol 109 cc1398-9W
Colonel THORNE

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware of a dispute in the boot and shoe trade which has been in existence more than sixteen weeks past in connection with certain firms at Eyam, near Sheffield; what action, if any, has been taken by the Department to bring about a settlement; whether either side have offered arbitration; whether arbitration has been refused or the offers of the Minister of Labour been turned down; and if be will take action in the matter?


The Department recently made inquiry into this dispute. The Department offered their services in endeavouring to arrange a conference between the parties to the dispute, at which it was proposed an officer of the Ministry of Labour would preside. The trade union acting on behalf of the workpeople have offered either arbitration or conciliation. The employers concerned were not disposed to accept the Department's offer of their services, and, having regard to the fact that the Munitions of War Acts do not apply to the dispute, and that no Government contract work was involved, further action by the Department did not appear feasible.