HC Deb 28 November 1917 vol 99 cc2019-21W

asked the Patronage Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that, at a series of War Aims Committee meetings, held on 16th, 16th, and l7th November, at the Town Hall Square,. Portsmouth, the speaker refused to answer questions from women; and whether, in view of the fact that women are being on all sides urged to put forward their best efforts for the furtherance of the War, this action embodies the considered policy of the War Aims Committee?

Captain GUEST

The meetings to which my hon. Friend refers, and which were some of a large series, were continually interrupted by a number of women who endeavoured to mar the proceedings by putting irrelevant and misleading questions. Perhaps I might add that one of the most persistent interrupters was brought before the magistrate and charged with making statements likely to cause disaffection amongst His Majesty's Forces and amongst the civil population in the Square. This occurred immediately after one of the meetings of the War Aims Committee. As an indication of the seriousness of the case I might add that the prisoner was remanded on a bail of £200.


asked whether the War Aims Committee has published or intends to publish any literature defining and defending the policy of this country in regard to the Tcheco-Slovaks?

Captain GUEST

The War Aims Committee has no present intention of publishing literature on the subject in question.


asked whether it has yet been decided when the War Aims Committee will issue leaflets and other literature explaining the war aims of the Government?

Captain GUEST

The war aims of the Government are defined from time to time by the War Cabinet, and the War Aims Committee have already issued leaflets and other literature in explanation of these aims.


asked whether the War Aims Committee has published any leaflets or other literature concerning the Allies' policy for a united and autonomous Poland; and, if not, whether this deficiency will be remedied?

Captain GUEST

The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. With regard to the second part, the War Aims Committee will act as occasion may in future demand.


asked whether, in view of the Government announcement that the present moment is inopportune for discussion of a league of nations to prevent war, it is intended to instruct all speakers at war aims meetings to avoid this subject?

Captain GUEST

All speakers for the National War Aims Committee are requested to avoid discussion of post-war problems.