HC Deb 28 November 1917 vol 99 cc2032-4W

asked the Pensions Minister whether his attention has been drawn to the case of Private A. Graham, No. 2278, of the 9th Argylls, who was wounded in 1915 and subsequently in receipt of a. pension of 27s. 6d. weekly, who began work in 1917 in a motor shop, and whose pension was thereupon immediately reduced by the order of a lieutenant of the Royal Army Medical Corps to 13s. 9d. per week, at which sum it still remains; if so, will he say whether this reduction has the sanction of his Department, in view of the promises made in this House that no pensions would be reduced on the pensioners accepting work; and is he aware that this soldier has been repeatedly advised to have electrical treatment for his wounds, and that nothing is done in that direction by his Department?


The reduction in pension was due not to Private Graham having taken up work but to the material improvement in his physical condition as reported by a medical board on the 25th August last. The board assessed the degree of disablement at 50 per cent. but the reduction in pension only took effect from the 3rd October. Early in the present year Private Graham spent over three months in a military hospital and he subsequently attended as an out-patient. No application for treatment appears to have been received at the Ministry in respect of him, but I have communicated with the local committee asking them to take what further steps are required.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office why the superintendent of the Pension Issue Office, Baker Street, is withholding the sum of £6 15s. from ex-Private J. S. Wilson, 1st Black Watch; whether this sum was withheld for the alleged reason that there might be some sum to deduct received from the National Health Insurance Commissioners; and, seeing that Mr. Wilson never received anything from that source, will the superintendent of the Pension Issue Office be instructed to immediately pay over the money he has withheld and also call upon him to explain why he has not attended to this matter before in response to repeated letters requesting him to do so?


The sum of £6 15s. has been withheld in accordance with arrangements made by the War Office with the Insurance Commissioners under the National Health Insurance Act, 1915, by which 5s. a week is withheld from the arrears of a full disability pension to meet possible overissues of sickness or disablement benefit. I am communicating with the Insurance Commissioners with the view of ascertaining whether the amount withheld in this case can now be released. I am also now proposing to terminate the arrangements by which sums are withheld from a man's pension.


asked the Pensions Minister if he will have attention given to the claim for pension of Mr. V. J. Osborne, of Bournemouth, who was discharged from the 3/5th Hampshire Regiment on the 24th June, 1916, and who has been incapacitated for work ever since and who cannot get any settlement of his case although the Minister of Pensions has been repeatedly pressed to do so?


This man was discharged on the 24th June, 1916, after seventy-five days' service as not likely to become an efficient soldier on account of asthma, which was certified to be neither due to nor aggravated by his service. He has been awarded a gratuity of £7 10s. under Article 7 (2) of the Warrant, and instructions for the payment of this amount are being issued.