HC Deb 12 November 1917 vol 99 c48W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that as far back as 27th August last the Cambrian Railway Company had, at the request of the War Office, constructed. certain sidings at a place between Fenns Bank and Bettisfield stations in connection with the Government peat-moss litter works, situated between those stations; whether on 26th October last a letter was written by the administrative member of the Forage Committee to the general manager of the company requesting that passenger trains should stop, as from the following Monday, at the sidings, in order to set down women employed at the works, although there was no platform at the sidings; whether until that date no intimation had been given to the railway company that a platform would be needed; and whether, as the present arrangement causes risk to these women, especially as on the return journey the train has to be boarded in darkness, he will make inquiries as to the cause of delay in instructing the railway company to provide a platform?


It was not until 26th October that it was decided to convey these women to and from Ellesmere. The question of a platform was raised with the Cambrian Railway, who replied on the 30th. Authority to incur the expenditure was given last Thursday. The urgency of the matter was due to inability to secure winter quarters locally for women who had hitherto been under canvas.