HC Deb 12 March 1917 vol 91 c734W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is now in a position to state the scope and character of the duties for which women's corps are required in France; the remuneration and terms upon which they will be enrolled; whether the question of pension will arise in case of breakdown due to Army service; and whether adequate steps are being taken to ensure the reasonabe comfort and protection of these women?


I would refer my hon. Friend to the statement which appeared in the Press on 28th February, which gives full details of the conditions of employment. The question of pension or gratuity in the case of disability will be considered. Care will be taken to ensure the comfort and protection of the women, who will be under their own women officers. Welfare superintendents will also be appointed to supervise their welfare at the hostels where they will be accommodated.