HC Deb 08 March 1917 vol 91 cc579-81W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office why, from 2nd November, 1915, to 12th April, 1916, James Melia, of Louisburgh, county Mayo, was refused payment of 3s. 6d. per week allotted to him by his son, Private P. Melia, No. 7358, No 3 Company, Royal Irish Rifles; and will he take steps to have the amount paid without further delay?


I regret I am unable to add to the information furnished to the hon. Member in my letter of 11th January, as no authority has yet been received from the soldier to make the payment.


asked why Mrs. J. Lavelle, widow, of Skirdagh, Newport, county Mayo, has been refused a separation allowance in respect of her son, Private J. Lavelle, No. 994, l/12th (Pioneer) Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, from whom she has been receiving £l 5s. per week before his enlistment; and why his allotment of 3s. 6d. per week has been withheld from her?


Inquiries will be made and the hon. Member informed of the result in due course.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office if he is aware that Private William Christie, No. 45955, second-class air mechanic Royal Flying Corps, A.A.D., Egypt, made an increased allotment of 6d. a day from the 21st November, 1916, to his wife; and, seeing that she has not yet received this allotment, and although she has written several times on the subject has had no acknowledgment of her letters, will he make inquiry?


Inquiry will be made and the hon. Member informed of the result in due course.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware that Private S. Harris, No. 25395, 1st West Yorkshire Regiment, allowed his widowed mother, whose only support he is, over £l a week before he enlisted, and that after repeated requests, long delays. and much difficulty, only 3s. 6d. weekly is now paid to her; whether that is due to the fact that S. Harris is a Russian subject who enlisted voluntarily in the British Army; and what action he proposes to take?


Inquiries will be made and the hon. Member informed of the result in due course.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War why the wives of serving non-commissioned officers of Regular units sent home from India and who are now, and were before marriage, resident in London, have been debarred from drawing the London allowance, whilst the wives of non-commissioned officers of the New Army are allowed to draw it; and whether, in the case of the wife of No. 36813, Battery Quartermaster-Sergeant P. G. Williams, Royal Field Artillery, this allowance may be granted, in view of the fact that Mrs. Williams was a resident of London before marriage, is now resident in London, and that she has received a notification from the regimental paymaster, Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery, Blackheath, that she is not eligible for the allowance?


This allowance is issued only to soldiers' wives who had homes in London at the time of mobilisation, or of enlistment if later.


asked whether any extra allowance has been made to Driver Philip Smith, late Army Service Corps, No. T4/093,020; and will the War Office minute of 29th November, 1916, be looked up with reference to the 4s. 8d. pension?


An increase to the pension granted to Driver Smith when invalided on account of disease neither attributable to nor aggravated by military service will be considered as soon as certain essential information respecting the nature of his service with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force is received from the regimental authorities overseas.