HC Deb 09 July 1917 vol 95 cc1612-3W

asked the Prime Minister what, if any, promotions or decorations have been given to Lord Hardinge, General Sir Beauchamp Duff, General Sir John Nixon, Surgeon-General Sir W. Babtie, Surgeon-General Hathaway. Sir William Meyer, and General Sir Edmund Barrow since the date of the Battle of Ctesiphon: and whether, when-such promotions or decorations were given, the Government were aware of me condition of things in Mesopotamia; and (2) if he will state the present positions and emoluments of Lord Hardinge, General Sir Beauchamp Duff, General Sir John Nixon, Surgeon-General Sir W. Babtie, Surgeon-General Hathaway, Sir William Meyer, and General Sir Edmund Barrow.


issued the following statement:—

Present position. Present emoluments. Promotions or Rewards since 22nd November, 1915.
Lord Hardinge Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs £2,800 K.G. 24th March, 1916.
General Duff Unemployed Unemployed pay,£l,000 per annum + £100 good service pension G.C.S.I. 1st January, 1916.
General Nixou Unemployed Unemployed pay, £900 per annum + £100 good service pension
Sir W. Meyer Financial member of the Governor - General's Executive Council Rupees 80,000 per annum
General Barrow Member of India Council Salary as Member of Council, £1,000 per annum. Unemployed pay, £900 per annum. Good service pension, £100 per annum G.C.S.I. 22nd February, 1916. Was appointed Member of Council on vacating Military Secretary ship at India Office in January, 1917.
Surgeon -General W. Babtie Director of Medical Services at the War Office Those laid down for a Director of Medical Services in India—at the rate of 2,700 rupees a month K.C.M.G. 2nd May, 1916. On the recommendation of the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, dated 24th February, 1916, for valuable services rendered as Director of Medical Services, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.
Surgeon- General Hathaway Deputy - Director of Medical Services of the Western Command Those of a Deputy-Director of Medical Services in India of 2,200 rupees a month