HC Deb 05 July 1917 vol 95 c1304W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if, in view of the denudation of forest area in Ireland at present and as timber is being exported for war purposes, he will urge recognition of the fact that this denudation has been steadily increasing during the last half century, the area under woods having decreased by about 20,000 acres in that period; and will he take steps whereby all owners of land holding suitable planting areas should be encouraged and assisted in afforestation and the Department of Agriculture be provided with funds to carry out planting schemes on an adequate scale?


The points raised by the lion. Member have been dealt with in my replies to questions by the hon. Members for the Harbour Division of Dublin and West Cavan on the 21st and 28th June. Every care is being taken by the Department of Agriculture so far as their powers extend, to safeguard the permanent interests of the country with regard to the maintenance of timber.