HC Deb 04 July 1917 vol 95 cc1117-8W

asked me Secretary to the Treasury whether the question of continuing the printing and publishing of the "Kew Bulletin" has been reconsidered; and whether he can now give an assurance that this publication, or at least that part of it which is devoted to the spread of useful knowledge of plant culture and plant products throughout the Empire, will shortly be resumed?


I am informed that the question of the suspension of the issue of the "Kew Bulletin" was considered by the Select Committee on Publications and Debates' Reports last week, and that it was decided to recommend that the "Bulletin" should be continued, but with due regard to economy. Subject to the omission, therefore, of certain classes of information which, though doubtless of scientific interest, can, it is thought, be postponed without detriment to the welfare of the State, the publication of the "Bulletin" will be resumed.