HC Deb 24 April 1917 vol 92 cc2235-6W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he has received a deputation on behalf of the small number of pioneer aircraft manufacturing firms in reference to the hardship they incur owing to the Munition Act and the Finance Act, in view of the pioneer work done by these firms before the War, the importance now given to aviation, the signal services they have rendered to the nation, the inadequate standard years they can show from their pre-War accounts, the unfavourable comparison with firms building aircraft only since the War but who can show good pre-War standards on other products, and the necessity that the designing firms shall be firmly established during the War if they are to be of service after the War; and whether he can see his way to establish both for the Munition Act and the Finance Act the first complete War year's accounts of each firm as their standard year?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As regards the second part it would not be possible to adopt the suggestion made by my hon. and gallant Friend without a complete departure from the principles of the Excess Profits Duty. Under the existing law it is open to any class of business to make an application to the Board of Referees for an increase of the statutory percentage on capital.