HC Deb 17 April 1917 vol 92 c1516W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what was the value of food exported and re-exported from the United Kingdom during the months of February and March, 1917; and whether, in view of the grave shortage of food in this country, he will see that an absolute embargo is placed on such shipments of food?


The value of food and feeding stuffs exported in February and March, 1917, was £3,683,000. All such exports are prohibited except under licence, and licences are not granted only in exceptional cases. It is, for instance, still necessary to supply certain British Possessions with articles for which they are dependent on this country, and to supply some of the Allied Governments. In some cases raw foodstuffs are exported for return to this country in manufactured form. In general the policy desired by the hon. Member is being carried out,

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