HC Deb 26 October 1916 vol 86 c1357W

asked the Secretary of State for India whether he can say if the Colonel Commanding at Lucknow is the same officer who was adjudged responsible for the overcrowding of the troop train from Karachi to Peshawar which resulted in the death of many soldiers; whether he will explain why this officer has been transferred from Simla to Lucknow at a higher rate of pay, in view of the undertaking that the Indian Government might be relied upon not to employ this officer again in a responsible, position; and will he say what posts have been given to the other officers implicated in the occurrence referred to?


On removal from his appointment as Deputy-Quartermaster-General in consequence of his share in the responsibility for the incident referred to, Brigadier-General Roe reverted to his permanent rank as colonel and to the Military Works Services, for which as a Royal Engineer he is specially fitted. He has now been appointed Commanding Royal Engineer at Lucknow, not Colonel Commanding at Lucknow, as stated in the hon. Member's question. The duties of this post are those of an engineer, and consist in the building of barracks, etc., and his responsibility is of an entirely different character from that attaching to his previous Staff appointment at Army Headquarters. As regards the other two officers who were removed from their posts at the same time as Colonel Roe, one is now unemployed in this country. I have no information as regards the other.