HC Deb 12 October 1916 vol 86 cc213-4W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the lighting regulations under the Defence of the Realm Act are much more stringent at Llanelly, in West Wales, than in London; what is the reason which makes it impossible for tradesmen at Llanelly to be allowed to light up their shops in the way permitted in London; whether he is aware that inconvenience to the public and unnecessary loss to shopkeepers have resulted, and that much dissatisfaction prevails therefore in the town; and whether he will give orders to the local police to administer the lighting regulations at Llanelly with the same good sense and regard to public and private interests as; are shown in London?


The restrictions on shop lighting in Llanelly do not take effect till about an hour and a-half after they take effect in London; apart from this, the provisions of the two Orders are precisely the same. If the hon. and learned Member considers the police, in administering the Order, have gone beyond its requirements and will give me particulars, I shall be glad to make inquiry, but I am informed by the chief constable that, in his opinion, the Order has been administered reasonably and considerately; a large number of offenders have been dealt with by caution and the proceedings recently taken were only initiated when the cautions had been found ineffective.


asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that the town council of Carmarthen, in compliance with an Order issued by the Secretary of State for War under the Defence of the Realm Act, have reduced the number of lamps now supplied with electric light in the town to 32; that the contract entered into by the corporation with the Carmarthen Electric Lighting Company provided for the lighting of 232 lamps in the streets; and that the electric lighting company refuse to allow any abatements in the terms of the contract, with the result that the ratepayers are paying for the lighting of 200 lamps which are not lit; and, having regard to the possibility of similar conditions prevailing in other towns, whether he will introduce legislation to remove the grievance or, if he will not introduce a general Bill, will the Government provide facilities for the passing of a private Bill dealing with the specific case of Carmarthen?


I am making inquiries into this matter, as I am not in possession of all the facts. My view is that in cases of this kind there ought to be some equitable arrangement between the parties; and I will consider what is the best course to adopt.