HC Deb 29 November 1916 vol 88 c374W

asked the hon. Member for the Doncaster Division, as representing the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, how much vacant land at Rotherhithe, in Clapham Road, near Norwood Junction, and elsewhere in the Metropolitan area, the Commissioners have at their disposal; and whether, seeing that there is a demand for allotments from poor persons in London desirous of growing their own vegetables, the Commissioners will lend it, or any part of it, during the War to the Vacant Land Cultivation Society for this purpose?


The Commissioners have no property at Rotherhithe, and their vacant land in the Clapham Road comprises about 2 acres, the sites of demolished buildings, of which the debris and their foundations remain. This is not suitable for allotments. The Commissioners are the owners of land near Norwood Junction and in other parts of the Metropolis, but the whole is let on agricultural and other tenancies. At Norwood Junction an area of 7 acres is held on lease by the Corporation of Croydon for the purposes of allotments and a larger area adjoining is now being let The Commissioners have granted leases of allotments in other parts of Norwood, comprising about 30 acres, to the London County Council, the Corporation of Croydon, and the Norwood Gardeners' Society. The Commissioners are prepared to consider other applications for allotments from responsible persons or recognised societies. Within the last six months a considerable area of land in the North of London has been let on tenancies of this kind, generally for a term of years.