HC Deb 21 November 1916 vol 87 c1256W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether the Garristown and Delvin District Drainage Board, constituted under the Act 43 and 44 Vic, c. Ill, ever met during the year for which they were appointed; if so, who were elected chairman, secretary, and solicitor, respectively; at what dates, and where, were subsequent meetings held up to 7th March, 1902; what members of the board were present at each meeting; if any maintenance rate was struck and, if so, how much during that period; and who is at present in possession of the minute book or books covering the period between the statutory appointment of the first board and 7th March, 1902; and if he will apply to Lord Langford for the information, he being the only surviving member of the first appointed board?


I have no responsibility for, or control over, the administration of the business of the Garristown and Delvin District Drainage Board. The only information which I. have been able to obtain on the points raised is that the secretary to the board on its initiation was Mr. C. W. Robinson, and that no maintenance rate was struck until the end of the year 1901. As the hon. Member is, I understand, chairman of the board during the present year, he could no doubt obtain the desired information by local inquiry.