HC Deb 14 November 1916 vol 87 c603W

asked whether the conditions of Service men enrolled in the Naval Anti-Aircraft Corps involving duty on alternate days only are liable to alteration without the men having the opportunity to resign from the corps; and whether the men can be transferred to any other arm of the Service or of the Army without their consent?


The Anti-Aircraft Corps is being brought into line with all other branches of His Majesty's Service according to the terms of the Military Service Acts. All men of military age are being medically examined, and as the number of men in the corps exceed the number required, men will be given their discharges in accordance with their medical classification, commencing with Class A. No guarantee can be given that men retained in the corps who are liable to serve under Military Service Acts will in future only be employed every other day or night as in the past. They will perform the same amount of duty as the military who man the remainder of the London Anti-Aircraft defences. The amount of duty performed by the men over military age who are volunteers will remain as in the past, but the hours may be slightly adjusted if it can be arranged. There will be no question of transference to any other arm. Men not required will be given their discharge and their names forwarded to the Director of Recruiting. He, however, has been requested to allow men who have been in the Anti-Aircraft Corps to join the Artillery if they prefer it to any other arm of His Majesty's Forces.