HC Deb 08 November 1916 vol 87 cc221-2W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether his attention has been called to the fact that a number of farmers, traders, and other respectable people have been proceeded against for-being present at a cock-fight on 11th July at Chapel Farm, Kilcullen, county Kildare, whether he is aware that in all previous summonses for cock-fighting in other parts of Ireland the cases had been dealt with summarily, but in this case an indictable offence was made out and the defendants returned for trial at the Assizes; whether he is aware that this procedure necessitates attendance at the Winter Assizes held outside Kildare county, adding considerably to expenses; will he explains why this course was adopted; whether he is aware that of those returned for trial some have near relatives who distinguished themselves at the front; and whether, in view of the fact that South Kildare has been one of the best recruiting districts in Ireland, he will allay the indignation and irritation caused by the departure in this instance from the practice followed in other parts of Ireland in similar cases by having steps taken to prevent further estrangement between the people and those responsible for the government of the country?


The action of the accused parties in this case was organised and deliberate, as it appears that they assembled for this unlawful purpose at four o'clock in the morning, and to the number of over 1,000. Meetings for the same unlawful purpose and under similar conditions have recently been held in other parts of Ireland under circumstances that indicate that they are controlled by a central organisation, which run these cruel exhibitions for betting purposes. The Attorney-General, therefore, in the exercise of his discretion, determined, with a view to put an end to this practice, to have the parties prosecuted for unlawful assembly. They have been returned for trial to the next Assizes, but released on bail. It is not proposed to try them at the Winter Assizes.