HC Deb 31 May 1916 vol 82 c2742W

asked the Home Secretary-whether the Press Censor has prohibited the full publication, or has passed only curtailed abridgements, in British newspapers of the answers made by Dr. Hel-ferich to Sir Edward Holden's criticisms on German finance, of the speech made on 20th May by President Wilson at Charlotte, North Carolina, and of the interview published in the "New York World" of Herr von Bethman-Hollweg accorded to Mr. von Wiegand; and, if the full texts of these documents have been kept from the public of this country, whether any explanation tending to reassure and encourage this country can now be given for suppressing what in each case was not information of operations but only expressions of opinion?


The answer is in the negative. There is no foundation whatever for the suggestions in the question.